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Best Champions for Beginners in League of Legends S14 2024

Best Champions for Beginners in League of Legends S14 2024

Starting in League of Legends can be both exciting and overwhelming. With over 160 champions to choose from, it’s easy to feel lost when deciding who to play first. As a beginner you’ll want to pick champions that are easy to understand, forgiving to play, and effective at teaching you the basics of the game. In this League of Legends blog post we’ll explore the best champions for beginners in S14 2024, helping you kickstart your climb up the ranked ladder with confidence.

Why Champion Choice Matters for Beginners

When you’re new to League of Legends, choosing the right champion can make all the difference. A good beginner champion should have:

  1. Simple Mechanics: Easy to understand abilities that don’t require extensive knowledge or skill to use effectively.
  2. Forgiving Nature: Champions that can survive mistakes or reposition easily are more beginner-friendly.
  3. Versatility: Champions that can fit into various team compositions and roles allow you to learn different aspects of the game.

Top 5 Best Champions for Beginners in 2024

Here are some of the best champions that fit the criteria above and will help you get started on the right foot.

1. Garen – The Might of Demacia (Top Lane)

Garen is one of the most iconic and beginner friendly champions in League of Legends. His abilities are straightforward, and he’s very durable, which means you can survive fights even if you’re still learning the ropes.

  • Passive: Garen’s passive allows him to regenerate health when out of combat, making it easier to stay in lane and farm.
  • Abilities: His abilities include a silence, a spin that deals damage to nearby enemies, and an execute ultimate that finishes off low-health opponents.

Garen teaches you the basics of positioning, engaging, and surviving in the top lane.

2. Annie – The Dark Child (Mid Lane)

Annie is a mage with a simple yet powerful kit. She’s great for learning the mid lane, where mages typically shine.

  • Passive: Annie’s passive allows her to stun enemies after casting four spells, making her a threat in any fight.
  • Abilities: Her abilities are easy to aim and provide strong burst damage, culminating in her ultimate which summons Tibbers, a giant bear that deals area damage.

Annie helps you understand the importance of burst damage and crowd control in fights.

3. Ashe – The Frost Archer (ADC)

Ashe is a great starting champion for those looking to play in the bot lane as an ADC (Attack Damage Carry). Her kit is straightforward, focusing on ranged attacks and crowd control.

  • Passive: Ashe’s passive slows enemies with her basic attacks, making it easier to chase down opponents.
  • Abilities: She has a global ultimate that can stun enemies from across the map, along with abilities that improve her damage output and utility.

Ashe is perfect for learning positioning, kiting, and how to be effective from a distance.

4. Soraka – The Starchild (Support)

Soraka is an excellent support champion for beginners, known for her healing abilities and simple mechanics.

  • Passive: Soraka’s passive increases her movement speed when moving towards low-health allies, making it easier to reach and heal them.
  • Abilities: Soraka’s abilities are focused on healing and silencing enemies, allowing her to protect her team and disrupt opponents.

Soraka teaches the fundamentals of positioning, map awareness, and the importance of teamwork.

5. Amumu – The Sad Mummy (Jungle)

Amumu is a beginner-friendly jungeler who is easy to play and effective in team fights. His kit revolves around crowd control and area-of-effect damage.

  • Passive: Amumu’s passive causes enemies hit by his abilities to take more magic damage.
  • Abilities: His abilities include a stun, a crying AOE damage ability, and an ultimate that stuns all enemies around him.

Amumu is ideal for learning jungle routes, ganking, and initiating team fights.

Tips for Mastering These Top 5 Champions

  1. Practice in Bots and Normals: Before jumping into ranked games, practice with these top 5 champions in bot matches or normal games to get comfortable with their abilities.
  2. Watch Tutorials: There are plenty of online guides and videos that can help you understand how to play these champions more effectively.
  3. Focus on Fundamentals: Use these champions to learn the basics of LoL, such as last-hitting, map awareness, and team fighting.


Choosing the right champion is crucial for beginners in League of Legends. The Top 5 champions listed above are not only effective but also provide a solid foundation for learning the game. As you become more comfortable, you can start exploring more complex champions and strategies. For now, stick with these picks, and you’ll be on your way to mastering the game in 2024!

Best Champions for Beginners in League of Legends S14 2024

Best Champions for Beginners in League of Legends S14 2024

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