League of legends smurf accounts

30 Adc Champions Unranked Smurf – EUW

30 Adc Champions Unranked Smurf – EUW


$ 11,90

Region: Blue Essence:

Product description

Take control of the Bot Lane on the Europe West server with this Adc Champions Smurf EUW account. Ideal for players who main adc lane or those looking to train with the best AD Carry champions, this account comes with a level 30 or higher status, ready for ranked play. It features 30 of the Adc Champs, giving you the ultimate arsenal to dominate your opponents and perfect your skills. With no ranked games played, you can start your climb with a fresh MMR and a focused strategy.

Metasmurfs.net Owned Accounts

900+ Sold|98,8% Satisfaction Rate​

Untitled (600 x 800 px) (355 x 450 px) (4)-min

Frequently Asked Questions

Your League of Legends account will be delivered via email.
Typically within 30 minutes.

  • We offer cheap lol accounts from all regions.
  • Our Smurf accounts comes with a specific amount of champions and skins,
  • We also offer handleveled LoL smurf accounts with 14 days Warranty

We offer a 14 day warranty on all of our account and we aim to offer the best experience.

We offer for the moment, Paypal and Cryptocurrency as payment gateaway. For other payment methods, please contact us on Discord or livechat!

If our system fails to deliver the accounts, feel free to open a support ticket in our discord: https://discord.gg/YkbkcB5MvQ

Still Hesitating..?

14 Day Warranty

14 Day warranty on all of our lol accounts including our handlevled lol smurfs

Instant Delivery

Automatic delivery all day long 24/7. You’ll find the details of your lol smurf account on your email.

24/7 Support

Available through Discord &  live chat 24/7 in multiple languages

900+ Orders

Over 900+ orders have been completed over the last year

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