Top 5 Underrated Champions to Climb Ranked in LoL S14 2024
Top 5 Underrated Champions: As the League of Legends meta constantly evolves some champions inevitably slip under the radar despite having the potential to dominate the ranked ladder. Whether due to low pick rates or simply being overshadowed by popular meta picks, these champions often go unnoticed by the broader player base. However their hidden power can make them excellent choices for climbing the ranks in 2024.
In this blog, we’ll explore five underrated champions that can help you gain an edge over your opponents and secure more victories on your climb to the top in League of Legends.
1. Swain (Mid/Support)
Swain has been a sleeper pick for quite some time, but his versatility makes him a valid force in both mid-lane and support roles. His ability to zone out enemies with Vision of Empire and sustain through fights with Ravenous Flock makes him a powerful pick, especially in extended skirmishes.
- Why Pick Swain? Swain excels in drawn-out team fights, where his ability to drain tank can turn the tide. His crowd control and zone control can disrupt enemy formations, making him a valuable asset in any team composition.
- Key Tip: Positioning is crucial. Always look to land Nevermove (E) to root key targets, and use Demonic Ascension (R) to sustain through damage while dealing consistent AoE.
2. Trundle (Jungle/Top)
Trundle is often overlooked in favor of flashier junglers, but his ability to shred tanks and control objectives makes him a top tier pick. His Chomp (Q) allows him to win duels, while Subjugate (R) can turn even the tankiest opponents into squishy targets.
- Why Pick Trundle? Trundle’s strength lies in his ability to counter both tanks and carries. His Frozen Domain (W) gives him incredible mobility and attack speed, making him a nightmare in both duels and team fights.
- Key Tip: Use Pillar of Ice (E) creatively to disrupt enemy movements and force unfavorable positioning. This ability is especially useful in narrow jungle corridors and around objectives.
3. Neeko (Mid/Support)
Neeko’s deceptive playstyle often catches opponents off-guard. With her ability to disguise as other champions and her game-changing ultimate, Pop Blossom (R), Neeko can be a surprise factor in any game.
- Why Pick Neeko? Neeko thrives in chaotic team fights where her ultimate can stun and burst down multiple opponents at once. Her ability to roam and create plays with Tangle-Barbs (E) makes her a strong pick in the solo queue.
- Key Tip: Use Neeko’s passive, Inherent Glamour, to blend in with your team and surprise enemies with unexpected engages or disengages. Timing Pop Blossom is crucial to maximizing its impact.
4. Mordekaiser (Top/Mid)
Mordekaiser has seen his popularity wax and wane, but his ability to isolate and eliminate key targets remains potent. His Realm of Death (R) is a unique tool that can effectively remove an enemy carry from the fight.
- Why Pick Mordekaiser? Mordekaiser’s strength lies in his ability to duel almost anyone in a 1v1 scenario. His AoE damage and sustain make him a strong pick in both top lane and mid lane, especially against melee champions.
- Key Tip: Look to use Realm of Death (R) on high-priority targets like the enemy ADC or fed mid-laner. This will give your team a huge advantage in team fights.
5. Sivir (ADC)
Sivir is often overshadowed by other ADCs, but her ability to clear waves, poke, and provide team utility with On The Hunt (R) makes her a powerful and underrated pick in the current meta.
- Why Pick Sivir? Sivir’s kit is perfect for both solo queue and coordinated play. Her Ricochet (W) allows her to deal massive damage in team fights, and her Spell Shield (E) provides excellent self-peel against assassins and crowd control.
- Key Tip: Use On The Hunt (R) to initiate fights or to disengage from unfavorable ones. Positioning is key for Sivir; always stay at the edge of fights to maximize your damage output while staying safe.
Climbing the ranked ladder in 2024 doesn’t always mean picking the most popular champions. Sometimes it’s the underrated picks that can give you the edge needed to rise through the ranks. By mastering these underappreciated champions, you can surprise your opponents, dominate your lane, and secure those crucial wins on your journey to the top.
Remember, it’s not just about the champion you pick, but how well you can play them. Take the time to practice, learn their matchups + abilities, and understand their strengths and weaknesses. With these champions in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to climbing the ranks in League of Legends.
Tip: Experiment with these champions in Normal games before taking them into Ranked. Understanding their mechanics and optimal playstyle will significantly increase your chances of success.